Team profile
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Reading time: 3 minutes
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To access this section:
Find your Team in the [Team spaces] section of the Navigator.
Click the [Team settings] icon next to your Team’s name.
Open the [Team profile] section.
The [Team profile] section in the [Team settings] module allows you to edit your Team's basic details. You can also adjust the Team’s visibility by making it private, archive the Team if it’s no longer needed, or transfer ownership to another Workplace member.
See below for the complete list of options available in this section.
Team members have read-only access to the [Team profile] section, while the Owner and Admins can use the available options.
The [Transfer ownership] option, detailed below, is exclusive to the Owner.
Team avatar
Use this option to change your Team’s avatar. If you don’t upload an avatar, Timebook will generate a default one showing the acronym of your Team’s name.
Click the [Pencil] icon in the top-left corner of the settings window (in the space provided for the image). Then, upload a new image or remove the current one.
Team name
Use this field to change your Team’s name.
Click anywhere on the current name and start typing to enter a new one.
Use this field to provide a meaningful description of your Team’s purpose.
While it might be clear to you, other users can benefit from reading the description before deciding to join your Team.
Team type
This field is for informational purposes only. It displays how the Team was categorized at the time of its creation, based on its primary function within your organization.
Transfer ownership
Use this option to pass the ownership of this Team to someone else if you are the current Owner.
Click the [Transfer ownership] button, and select another Workplace member to make them the new Owner. Click [Transfer] to confirm your decision. You will then become an Admin of this Team.
Make private
Use this option to change the Team’s accessibility.
Timebook Teams are open by default, meaning any Team member can access them freely. But you can turn your Team into a private one. From now on, this Team will be hidden; only you can add more members by inviting them.
NOTE: The availability of this feature depends on your Timebook pricing plan.
Archive Team
Use this option to move the Team to the archive.
Workplace members can’t access an archived Team, but you can restore it if you are the Team Owner or an Admin.
To restore a Team, navigate to the [Teams] module in the [Workplace] section of the Navigator. Locate your Team in the [Archived] group and click [Restore] next to it to make the Team active again.
Remember to click the [Save] button at the bottom after you make changes in the [Team profile] section of the Team settings.